HSC ENGLISH QUESTION PAPER 2023 12TH Arts,Commerce & Science I English Paper & Answer maharashtra hsc


Maharashtra State Board

Maharashtra State Board

HSC Science (Electronics)

HSC Science (General)

HSC Science (Computer Science)

HSC Arts (English Medium)

HSC Commerce: Marketing and Salesmanship

HSC Commerce (English Medium)

Marks: 80

Important instructions:

1. Each activity has to be answered in complete sentence/sentences. Answers written in only one word will not be given complete credit. Only the correct activity number written in case of options will not be given any credit

2. Web diagrams, flow charts, tables, etc. are to be presented exactly as they are with answers.

3. In point 2 above, only the words written without the presentation of activity format/design, will not be given credit. Use of colour pens/pencils etc. is not allowed. (Only blue/black pens are allowed.)

4. Multiple answers to the same activity will be treated as wrong and will not be given any credit.

5. Maintain the sequence of the Sections/Question Nos./Activities throughout the activity sheet

SECTION – I: PROSE (Reading for Comprehension, Language Study, Summary and Mind Mapping)

I was quite happy getting into IIT, but my joy was short-lived. At Solapur, I had not seen any building which was more than three storeyed. Mumbai however was full of skyscrapers. At IIT, most of the students and professors used to converse in English whereas my English was very poor. I had my entire education in Marathi. My spoken English was quite pathetic. Not only did I have a very weak vocabulary, but, my pronunciation also was terrible and my construction of English sentences very awkward to say the least. Due to all this, I was feeling quite lonely and terrified in Mumbai in general and IIT in particular. I had developed an inferiority complex and wanted to run away from IIT and even

1.A. Read the extract and complete the activities given below:


One day, I was sitting at my mess table in the hostel sipping tea when a senior guy came and sat on the chair adjacent to me. He was a convent educated guy with fairly sophisticated English – at least spoken or colloquial English. He was a bit arrogant and wanted to pull my leg. He tried to engage in some conversation with me and started pointing out errors in just about every sentence or everything that I said, After about 5 minutes he walked away after insulting me.

I felt extremely humiliated and upset. As it is, I was feeling quite depressed and diffident and this incident was the last straw. I was almost broken. I felt out of place there and literally wanted to run away to Solapur that very moment.

However, it was only my self-esteem which stopped me. Suddenly, a feeling of determination and strength came over me and gripped me.

A1. Choose and rewrite the two correct statements from the following: (2)

a. The writer had his entire education in English.

b. The writer wished to run away from IIT and even Mumbai.

c. The senior guy was co-operative and he encouraged the writer.

d. The writer could overcome his feeling of depression with his own efforts.

A2. The writer developed an inferiority complex during his stay in Mumbai. Enlist the causes: (2)





  • a. At IIT mostly all the teachers as well as the students used to talk in English while the writer’s English was too weak and poor and felt very lonely.

b. His spoken English was terrible.

c. He had very weak Vocabulary.

d. He was feeling lonely and terrified in Mumbai and at IIT.

A3. Point out the qualities of the writer that you have come across while reading the extract. (2)

Negative qualities:



  • i. Poor communication skills

ii. Inadequate self-confidence

Positive qualities:



  • i. Optimistic

ii. Visionary.

A4. Give any four suggestions to improve English communication skills. (2)

Ans :

1. We should read the English materials such as books and newspapers regularly.

2. We should make practice of speaking English regularly with our teacher, friend or family member.

3. We should use language learning apps in which there are games, quizzes, and interactive lessons that can help improve your English skills.

4. We should record our speaking and listen to it to identify errors that need correction.

A5. Language study: (2)

(i) ‘I was quite happy getting into IIT, but my joy was short-lived’ (Choose the correct alternative showing proper use of ‘though’)

a. Though I was quite happy getting into IIT, but my joy was short-lived.

b. I was quite happy getting into IIT, though my joy is short-lived.

c. Though I was quite happy getting into IIT, my joy was short-lived.

d. I was quite happy though getting into IIT, my joy was short-lived.

(ii) ‘I felt extremely humiliated and upset.’

(Identify the correct exclamatory form of the above sentence.)

a. What humiliated and upset I felt!

b. How humiliated and upset I felt!

c. How extremely humiliated do I feel!

d. What a humiliated and upset I felt!

A6. Match the following words in column ‘A’ with their antonyms in column ‘B’. (2)

Column ‘A’  Column ‘B’
  (a) diffident        (iii)    (i) humble  
  (b) humiliated       (iv)    (ii) superiority  
  (c) arrogant           (i)    (iii) confident  
  (d) inferiority         (ii)    (iv) exhilarated  
HSC ENGLISH QUESTION PAPER 2023 -12TH Arts,Commerce & Science I English Paper & Answer
HSC ENGLISH QUESTION PAPER 2023 -12TH Arts,Commerce & Science I English Paper & Answer


1.B.i | Non-Textual Grammar – Do as directed:


Both the partners have signed this agreement in haste. …(Identify the correct ‘Passive Voice’ form of the above sentence from the alternatives given below


1. This agreement had been signed in haste by both the partners.

2. This agreement has been signed in haste by both the partners.

3. This agreement have been signed in haste by both the partners.

4. This agreement was signed in haste by both the partners.


 I asked my sister, “What can I do for you in this matter?” (Identify the correct

‘Indirect Speech’ form of the above

sentence from the alternatives given below)


1. I asked my sister what I could do for her in that matter.

2. He asked his sister what he could do for her in that matter.

3. I asked my sister what he could do for her in this matter.

4. He asked my sister what she could do for her in that matter.


As soon as he left the house, he met with an accident. .(Identify the correct ‘No sooner than’ form of the above sentence from the alternatives given below.)


1. No sooner does he leave the house than he met with an accident.

2. No sooner had he left the house than he met with an accident.

3. No sooner did he leave the house than he met with an accident.

4. No sooner do he leave the house than he met with an accident.


Spot the error in the given sentence and rewrite the correct sentence.

She has been worked in this office since 1996.

  • She has been working in this office since 1996

English Paper & Answer maharashtra hsc


Q2.A Read the following extract and complete the activities given below:

The government of India is encouraging medical tourism in the country by offering tax benefits and export incentives to the participating hospitals. Medical visas are being cleared quickly without any hassles. With a view to facilitating the growth of medical tourism industry, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare along with the Ministry of Tourism has set up a task force to evaluate the opportunities in the industry. Efforts are being made to standardise procedures and to guide foreign patients to select the hospitals most suited to their needs. Meanwhile, several private hospitals are seeking to take advantage of the booming medical tourism industry and are investing hugely in acquiring equipments and skills.

However, medical tourism carries some risks that locally provided medical care does not. Some countries like India, Malaysia and Thailand have very different infectious diseases rarely found in Europe and North America. Exposure to disease without having built-up natural immunity can be a hazard for weak individuals specially with respect to gastrointestinal diseases like Hepatitis A, amoebic dysentery etc., which could slow down the recovery process. Also, medical tourists may be at risk from mosquito-transmitted diseases, influenza and tuberculosis. The quality of post operative care can also vary dramatically depending on the hospital and the country. Finally, after returning home, a patient has limited contact with their surgeon. This may make it difficult to deal with any complications that may arise later, such as a delayed infection.

The concept of medical tourism raises some important questions regarding accessibility, affordability and ethics in medical care. It is unfortunate that a large section of the Indian population has little or no access to private health care. Public health care system is inadequate and lacks proper infrastructure and facilities. One wonders if it is sensible to make provisions for medical tourism in a democratic country like India, which has failed to provide nourishment, sanitation and health care to its masses.

HSC ENGLISH QUESTION PAPER 2023 -12TH Arts,Commerce & Science I English Paper & Answer
HSC ENGLISH QUESTION PAPER 2023 -12TH Arts,Commerce & Science I English Paper & Answer

A2. Complete the following statements with the help of information provided in the extract: (2)

  1. Building up natural immunity is must for all because ______

Building up natural immunity is must for all because exposure to diseases without having a built-up natural immunity can be a hazard,( especially in countries like India, Malaysia, and Thailand where there are different infections diseases rarely found in Europe and North America.).

  1. The concept of medical tourism can not be much successful in India because _____

The concept of medical tourism can not be much successful in India because a large section of the Indian population has little or no access to private healthcare, and the public healthcare system is inadequate and lacks proper infrastructure and facilities.

A3. Complete the following table with reference to the statement ‘Medical Tourism is a mixed blessing’: (2)

Positive aspects of Medical TourismHazard/ Nagative aspects of Medical Tourism
Positive aspects of Medical TourismHazard/ Nagative aspects of Medical Tourism
  1. Patients have the chance to acquire top-notch medical care at a lesser cost because to medical tourism..  1. Medical tourism carries risks, such as exposure to different diseases and the quality of post- operative care.
2.Patients have access to medical care that might not be offered in their native nations.2. Patients may have limited contact with their surgeon after returning home, which can make it difficult to deal with complications that may arise later.

A4. ‘We need to promote the concept of Wildlife Tourism in India’. State whether you agree or disagree with the statement. Mention any two arguments. (2)

Ans : 1. Wildlife and natural ecosystems may suffer adverse ecological effects as a result of wildlife tourism. Increased human activity in wildlife reserves has the potential to damage natural ecosystems, upset animals, and harm the environment.

2. Some wrong tourist activities, such tiger shows, elephant rides, and animal performances, may involve animal exploitation and abuse.

A5. Language study: (2)

(i) ‘Govt. of India is encouraging medical tourism in the country’. .(Choose the correct present perfect form of the given statement.)

a. Govt. of India is encouraged medical tourism in the country.

b. Govt. of India had encouraged medical tourism in the country.

c. Govt. of India has been encouraged medical tourism in the country.

d. Govt. of India has encouraged medical tourism in the country.

(ii) ‘This may make it difficult to deal with any complication’. …(Identify the replaced version of the statement using the auxiliary of certainty or definiteness.)

a. This can make it difficult to deal with any complication.

b. This might make it difficult to deal with any complication.

c. This will make it difficult to deal with any complication.

d. This have made it difficult to deal with any complication.

A6. Identify the words from the passage with the following meaning: (2)

  1. growing immensely

growing immensely – booming

  1. threat

threat – hazard

  1. obtaining

obtaining – acquiring

  1. able to approach/possible to approach

able to approach/possible to approach – accessible

HSC ENGLISH QUESTION PAPER 2023 -12TH Arts,Commerce & Science I English Paper & Answer
HSC ENGLISH QUESTION PAPER 2023 -12TH Arts,Commerce & Science I English Paper & Answer

2.B | Summary Writing:

Write a summary of the above extract with a suitable title, with the help of the given points/hints.

• Govt. of India promoting medical tourism.

• Side effects of the medical tourism – Response of the Indian – population – Prospects of medical tourism in India.


                                    India’s Government Promotes Medical Tourism

Government of India is promoting medical tourism by offering various reliefs like tax benefits and fast- tracking medical visas. But there is a risk in medical tourism in India such as exposure to diseases without natural immunity, variable post- operative care quality, and limited contact with surgeons. The government of India’s promotion of medical tourism has sparked both positive and negative responses within the country. While the side effects and concerns associated with this industry should be addressed, the prospects of medical tourism in India remain bright. Striking a balance between catering to international patients and meeting the healthcare needs of the domestic population will be crucial in leveraging the full potential of medical tourism in India.

HSC ENGLISH QUESTION PAPER 2023 -12TH Arts,Commerce & Science I English Paper & Answer
HSC ENGLISH QUESTION PAPER 2023 -12TH Arts,Commerce & Science I English Paper & Answer

12TH Arts , Commerce & Science

SECTION – II : POETRY (Poetry and Appreciation)


3.A Read the following extract and complete the activities given below:

‘Canst hear’, said one, ‘the breakers roar?

 For methinks we should be near the shore’.

‘Now where we are I cannot tell,

 But I wish I could hear the Inchcape Bell’.

 They hear no sound, the swell is strong;

 Thought the wind hath fallen they drift along,

 Till the vessel strikes with a shivering shock

, ‘O Christ! it is the Inchcape Rock!”

Sir Ralph the rover tore his hair;

 He curst himself in his despair;

 The waves rush in every side,

The ship is sinking beneath the tide.

But even in his dying fear

One dreadful sound could the Rover hear,

 A sound as if with the Inchcape Bell,

 The Devil below was ringing his knell.

A1. Rearrange the following incidents as per their occurrence in the poem: (2)

a. Sir Ralph the Rover cursed himself in despair.

b. The vessel strikes with a shivering shock.

c. The mariner wished to hear the Inchcape Bell.

d. Ralph the Rover heard one dreadful sound.


(c) The mariner wished to hear the Inchcape Bell.

(b) The vessel strikes with a shivering shock.

(a) Sir Ralph the Rover cursed himself in despair.

(d) Ralph the Rover heard one dreadful sound.

HSC ENGLISH QUESTION PAPER 2023 -12TH Arts,Commerce & Science I English Paper & Answer
HSC ENGLISH QUESTION PAPER 2023 -12TH Arts,Commerce & Science I English Paper & Answer

A3. Accept any reasonably correct answer:

A4. Poetic device: (2)

The figure of speech – ‘Inversion’ the word order is changed for rhyme. Correct order should be:

‘The Rover could hear one dreadful sound.’

A5. Composing lines: (2)

[Accept any reasonably correct answer/lines]

Q3.B Appreciation

Write the poetic appreciation of the extract given below:

She walks in beauty, like the night

Of cloudless climes and starry skies;

And all that’s best of dark and bright

 Meet in her aspect and her eyes;

Thus mellowed to that tender light

 Which heaven to gaudy day denies.

One shade the more, one ray the less,

 Had half impaired the nameless grace

 Which waves in every raven tress,

Or softly lightens o’er her face;

 Where thoughts serenely sweet express,

 How pure, how dear their dwelling-place.

And on that cheek, and o’er that brow,

So soft, so calm, yet eloquent,

 The smiles that win, the tints that glow,

 But tell of days in goodness spent,

 A mind at peace with all below,

 A heart whose love is innocent!

Write an appreciation of the poem ‘She Walks in Beauty’. The following points covered for appreciation.

1. About the poem/poet and the title

2. The theme

3. Poetic style

4. The language/poetic devices used in the poem

5. Special features

6. Message, values, morals in the poem

7. Your opinion about the poem


                                                      ‘She Walks in Beauty’

The poem, ‘She Walks in Beauty’ is a poem appreciating female beauty and expressing how outer beauty stems from inner beauty, thus resulting in perfection through harmony. It was written by George, Gordon Byron, well-known as Lord Byron, who was a famous poet from the Romantic era of English literature. At the age of 21, he started a tour of Europe and the Orient (East) after which he composed ‘Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage’ which made him very popular in England.

The title ‘She walks in beauty’ doesn’t mean that the woman is walking beautifully or that she is simply beautiful. It says that she walks “in beauty”, meaning that beauty surrounds her, making her magnificent.

In this poem, the primary theme explored by the poet is that of beauty, where he praises a woman he encounters as being flawless. The other themes are that of the delicate harmony between darkness and light as well as the perfect balance between the mind and the body, which makes the woman beautiful even on the inside.

The poem follows a regular rhyme scheme of ‘abab’ throughout. The language used by the poet is rich and complex, which gives the woman in the poem a very mystical quality The use of variety of pestig quality. The use of a variety of poetic devices like Alliteration, Antithesis, Consonance, Exclamation, Inversion, Metaphor, Metonymy, Personification, Repetition, and Synecdoche add to the complexity of the poem.

The poet has employed literary devices like enjambment and imagery to enhance its appeal. The visual imagery can be witnessed when the poet compares the woman to a cloudless and starry night, thus laying the foundation of the light and dark theme of the poem. The qualities attributed to the woman’s features ‘mellowed eyes’, ‘wavy raven tresses’, ‘soft and calm face’ paint a beautiful picture of an extraordinarily wonderful woman. The main symbolism in the poem is that the poet presents the woman as someone who is a symbol of purity and innocence.

The message that the poet is trying to convey through this poem is that one can be beautiful on the outside only when one feels beautiful on the inside. Though this poem is largely about the poet trying to capture this woman’s paradoxical beauty, which combines the best of dark and bright, the last stanza focuses on how her stunning appearance stems from her calm, composed mind, and sweet, innocent heart. It is her virtuous nature that gives her beauty that is unparalleled.

HSC ENGLISH QUESTION PAPER 2023 -12TH Arts,Commerce & Science I English Paper & Answer
HSC ENGLISH QUESTION PAPER 2023 -12TH Arts,Commerce & Science I English Paper & Answer


SECTION – IV : (Writing Skill )

4.A | Complete the activities as per the instructions given below: Attempt Any One of the following activities.


Drating virtual message:

Imagine yourself as Ramesh. You are required to go to Pune to participate in the national level Chess Competition and hence you won’t be able to attend the class-test. Draft a virtual message for your friend Sanket in about 50 to 75 words asking him to convey the reason for your absence to your subject teacher



20/02/2023, 11.00 Α.Μ.

Dear Sanket,

On 23rd February 2023 at Pune there is a national level Chess competition. I must go to Pune to participate in the competition. So I will not be able to attend science class test held on the same day. Please convey to our science teacher, Mr. Kale sir, the reason of absence for the test.




Statement of Purpose: 

You have a special interest in journalism. You are planning to go for a degree course in mass communication and work in future especially in the field of crime reporting. You have heard about the reputed ‘Royal Institute of Mass- communication’ in the United Kingdom. Prepare a statement of purpose in about 150 words to get admission in the Institute.


                                           Statement of Purpose

I am writing this statement of purpose to express my sincere interest in pursuing a degree in mass communication with a special focus on crime reporting at the esteemed Royal Institute of Mass Communication in the United Kingdom.

From a young age, I have been captivated by the power of journalism to shed light on crucial societal issues. But throughout my formative years, when I saw the power of media coverage to expose injustices and effect social change, my love with criminal reporting first surfaced. I firmly believe that by conducting thorough investigations and reporting on them, I may aid in the comprehension and prevention of illegal activity while also providing victims’ voices a voice and holding offenders accountable. The Royal Institute of Mass Communication is renowned for its commitment to excellence in media education, and I am eager to immerse myself in its rich academic environment. I am particularly drawn to the Institute’s comprehensive curriculum, which combines theoretical knowledge with practical training, ensuring that students acquire the essential skills needed to excel in the field of Journalism

 Furthermore, the chance to learn from prominent faculty members and meet with like-minded peers will surely boost my progress as a journalist and improve my grasp of the complexities inherent in crime reporting. I am certain that my enthusiasm, commitment, and effective communication abilities qualify me for the Royal Institute of Mass Communication’s mass communication programme. I am keen to contribute to the field of criminal reporting and use ethical journalism to have a significant impact.

Thank you for considering my application, and I look forward to the opportunity to join the prestigious Royal Institute of Mass Communication.



Group Discussion:

Imagine yourself as a participant in a group discussion arranged by an NGO working to promote Swadeshi. The topic is ‘Traditional food provides more nutrition to the children as compared to junk food’.

There are two more participants and evaluator to share their views. Prepare a set of dialogues.

                                                        Group Discussion:

Evaluator:  You all have been given a few minutes to think about your topic for today’s group discussion which is ‘Traditional food provides more nutrition to the children as compared to junk food’. You may now begin the discussion.

Who would like to start?

Neha: I think I will. In my opinion, traditional food indeed provides more nutrition to the children as compared to the junk food. Junk food leads to obesity. The inclination toward junk food among children is a worldwide phenomenon.

Sita: I too agree with Neha and it seems to me also that junk food poses a great threat. Junk food leads to obesity and also gives birth to many more diseases.

Anuja: I suggest that children should be given healthy snacks made with multi-grains, fruit, salads, etc. It will boost their immunity. The nutrients in traditional food nourish the health and body.

Evaluator: Please conclude.

Neha: We can conclude by saying that our children must change their food habits. It is high time they should be given traditional food. We need healthy citizens to take our country forward.

4.B | Attempt ‘Any One’ of the following activities:

4.B.i | E-mail writing:

E-mail writing:

You are looking forward to start a Computer Institute in your area. You initially need 20 PCs. Prepare/Draft an E-mail to the city dealer of DELL Computers demanding a moderate quotation for the same. (in about 100-150 words)

Ans :

From roshani@gmail.com

To vijayelectronic@gmail.com

Subject :  An enquiry about a moderate quotation for DELL Computers.

Dear sir,

I am Roshani Kadam writing to you to enquiry about the quotation from you. I have decided to start a Computer Institute in our city. I have already two computer Institutes at Nasik. My seniors have given me your kind reference for purchasing computers. So I have decided to purchase some personal computers. I need 20 PCs of DELL Computers Initially. If I like your service, I will order more PCs. I need computer accessories also.

Kindly forward the catalog with the quotation along with the best possible prices and rates at the mentioned e-mail address. Also, mention the discount provided by you. Do mention the payment modes accepted by you.

Looking forward to your quick reply.


Roshani Kadam


4.B.ii | Report writing:

Report writing:

Your college has celebrated the ’75th Anniversary of our National Independence’ by organising various socio-cultural activities between 13th and 16th August. Imagine yourself as G.S. (General Secretary) of your jr. college and draft a brief report of the celebration/programme for the local newspapers in about 150 words.

Ans :

                              75th National Independence Anniversary


Denvour Jr. College celebrated the 75th Anniversary of National Independence with great enthusiasm and patriotic fervor. The celebrations took place from the 13th to the 16th of August, and various socio-cultural activities were organized.

The festivities commenced with a flag-hoisting ceremony, and students and faculty members sang the national anthem with great pride. The cultural events included dance performances, singing competitions, and a skit on the freedom struggle. The skit showcased the sacrifices made by our freedom fighters and their contribution to the freedom movement.

The college also organized a blood donation camp and an exhibition showcasing the history of our independence movement. Additionally, a cleanliness drive was carried out on the college campus and the surrounding areas to promote the “Swachh Bharat Abhiyan.”

The highlight of the celebrations was a talk delivered by a retired army officer, who shared his experiences of serving in the Indian Armed Forces and emphasized the importance of patriotism and national unity.

The celebrations were a huge success, and the students and faculty members participated with great zeal and enthusiasm. The event served as a reminder of the sacrifices made by our forefathers to secure our freedom and encouraged us to contribute towards building a stronger and more united India.

We express our gratitude to the management and staff of Denvour Jr. College for organizing such a meaningful and impactful event.

General Secretary

Mrs. Kavita Patil


4.B.iii | Drafting Interview Questions:

One of the Ex-students from your college has recently been selected for the prestigious NDA (National Defence Academy). He is specially invited to motivate the aspiring students of your jr. college. Imagine yourself as an interviewer and prepare a set of 8 (eight) interview questions enabling your guest to share his experiences and opinions. You may take help of the following points to draft your questions while maintaining a proper sequence:

  • Name of the Interviewee (Personality)
  • Area of Success/Reputation
  • Date/Venue/Time
  • Duration of Interview
  • His decision
  • His Idols/inspirations
  • Support
  • Training
  • Difficulties
  • Challenges/Motivating experiences
  • Goals/Expectations
  • Message
Name of the Interviewee (Personality)  Amit Jain
Area of Success/Reputation  Selection in NDA
Date/Venue/Time  9th March, Abhinav College, 8:00 am
Duration of Interview  1 hour
His decision  Why did you decide to join NDA?
His Idols/inspirations  Who are your idols?
Support Training  Who supported you in this journey?
Difficulties  How do you face difficulties?
Challenges/Motivating experiences  Tell your some motivating experience from NDA.
Goals/Expectations  What are your goals in the future?
Message  Give a message to the NDA aspiring students.

4.C | Attempt ‘Any One of the following

4.C.i | Speech Writing:

Speech Writing:

You are an active member of an NGO working for water conservation. Prepare a speech for the school children/students where you are invited on the eve of ‘World Environment Day’ to guide them about water harvesting. Your speech should not exceed 150 words.

Ans :

                                              World Environment Day

Honorable president, respected chief guest, respected teachers, and dear friends. First of all, I would like to salute the mother goddess ‘Saraswati’. Today, we gathered here to celebrate an important occasion. I am very glad that the organizer gave me a chance to speak something about the given topic. I am very lucky to get a chance to deliver my speech on this occasion. I hope that you will listen to my few words silently.

World Environment Day is celebrated every year on June 5 by the NGO named ‘Greenpeace’. The NGO ‘Greenpeace’ has been working for water conservation for 20 years. It is a day on which we spread awareness about the environment and the need to conserve it. Moreover, it is essential to advocate for a greener environment and conservation of nature. It is quite simple as when we conserve the environment today, future generations will be able to lead a healthier life. We cannot be so selfish and use up all the resources for ourselves. World Environment Day is the perfect opportunity to make people aware of the issues we are facing and how one can contribute to saving it. Thus, it is quite important in its own way. On the occasion of World Environment Day, it is essential for all to realize that every little deed

matters when it comes to saving the environment. No matter how small a step you are taking to lead a greener lifestyle, it does make a difference. Because, if everyone starts doing little deeds one by one, it will turn into something big. As the saying goes every drop makes an ocean, it s true in this case as well. Friends, In this way, I delivered a speech. I am very thankful to the programme organizer about giving me a golden chance to deliver a speech. I am also very thankful to all of you for listening my speech and encouraged me giving response with clapping. Saying so, I am going to conclude my speech.


4.C.ii | Compering:

Imagine your school/jr. college has organised a farewell function for the students appearing for the H.S.C. examination. As a compere draft a script for the whole function maintaining the sequence of the following points:

• Welcoming the guests

• Introduction

• Felicitation

• Important speeches

• Concluding remark

• Vote of thanks

Ans :

Welcoming the guests –

Welcome to this amazing evening, ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests, professors, parents, and most importantly, our dear kids. We are gathered here to say goodbye to our incredible group of H.S.C. examination candidates. This evening is devoted to honouring their efforts, commitment, and successes throughout their academic careers.

Let us begin this important occasion by warmly welcoming all of the distinguished guests who have honoured us with their presence today. We are honoured to have each of you here, as your support and guidance have had a huge impact on the lives of these exceptional people.

Introduction –

Moving on, it is my pleasure to introduce our bright children who are taking H.S.C. exams. Each of them has a distinct set of abilities, talents, and goals. They have not only performed academically but have also made significant contributions to numerous co-curricular activities, making our university proud. Let us give them a standing ovation for their outstanding efforts.

Felicitation –

Today, we meet not simply to say goodbye, but also to honour our outstanding students. It is time to acknowledge their relentless efforts and commendable accomplishments. May these honours serve as a continual reminder of their excellent achievements and inspire them to strive for greatness in all that they do in the future.

Important speeches –

We now have the honour of hearing some important speeches from people who have had a big impact on the lives of our students. They will share their experiences, provide advice, and motivate our young brains as they begin a new chapter in their life. Their advice will undoubtedly ring true with our kids and lead them towards success.

Concluding remark –

I would want to convey my sincere gratitude to each and every one of you for participating in this wonderful occasion as we draw to a close on this special evening. Your presence today is evidence of the encouragement and support you provided to these exceptional students throughout their academic careers.

Vote of thanks –

Before we conclude this evening, let’s not forget to give a sincere vote of appreciation to everyone who helped make this goodbye celebration a success. We want to thank the management, employees, and volunteers who put forth a lot of effort to make this event a success. We would especially like to thank our professors for being our kids’ compass and for providing them with information and wisdom. We appreciate you entrusting us with your children’s education and welfare, dear parents. We appreciate you putting your faith and trust in us. Let’s send them our best wishes for happiness and success as they begin their new journey.

Have a lovely evening and once again, thank you!


4.C.iii | Expansion of Idea

Expansion of Idea:

Expand the following idea with the help of the points given below (100-150 words)

“Experience is the best teacher”

• It’s practical and not theoretical experience

• Learn from situations

• Direct and first-hand knowledge

• Real-life versus Bookish

Ans :

                                   “Experience is the best teacher”

‘Experience is the best teacher’ is a well-known proverb. It means wisdom is gained through personal experiences. Books are considered to be the source of all knowledge, but all that one learns through a book is only of theoretical nature in the form of ideas and concepts.

We get knowledge by reading books, listening to speeches, talking to people, etc. They provide just theoretical knowledge, but real-life experiences teach us practical or real things. We must learn from real- life situations.

Experience gives us direct and first- hand knowledge. It teaches us how to do better, how to overcome challenges, and how to learn from our mistakes. The worst experience is the best teacher. By visiting historical places, we may learn History. By visiting oceans and forests, we may learn Geography. Such real-life experiences teach us great lessons.

Bookish knowledge is imperfect, whereas real-life experience is perfect. It teaches lifelong lessons. So it is said that – Experience is the best teacher.

4.D. i| Attempt ‘Any One’ of the following

Drafting a Review:

Draft a review of any film/movie that you have recently watched. Prepare your review with the help of the given points.

• Name of the movie/year of release

• Producer/Director

• Cast

• Technical aspects: Music/Photography

• Theme/storyline in brief

• Your opinion

Ans :

I have recently watched a movie named ‘The Pathan’ I like it very much. I am going to write a review of this movie in my words and what I remembered and felt. The Pathan movie is an action crime film directed by Siddharth Anand. If You Are also a fan of Shah Rukh Khan or not a fan of Shah Rukh Khan but one to watch this movie with the review of Pathan movie then you are on the right platform.

 Name of the movieThe Pathan
year of releaseThe Pathan movie had released date is on 25th January 2023
ProducerYash Raj Films
DirectorSiddharth Anand
 Cast  Shah Rukh Khan – Pathaan, a RAW agent   Deepika  Padukone – Rubina “Rubai” Mohsin, an ISI agent   John Abraham – Jim, Leader of “Outfit X” and former RAW   Dimple Kapadia – Nandini Grewal, head of Joint Operation and Covert Research   Ashutosh Rana – Colonel Sunil Luthra
 Technical aspectsMusic -Ankit and sanchit balhara   Photography – Satchith Paulose  
Theme/storyline in brief  The story is very exciting and riveting where Jim (John Abraham) leads. Outfit X; a private terrorist group decides to hit vengeance against India. They plan to attack the president of India at a scientific conference in Dubai. However, Pathan, a courageous RAW agent, tries to stop Jim’s plans and stands tall against them. From here the chase of the cart and mouse starts. They travel to different countries and their rivalry remains continue. There are chase sequences of Bikes, Trains, Planes, Helicopters, Ice Skating, Trucks, Cars, and of what Not. But all of them are really enjoyable, fascinating, and captivating. In 2019, the Indian Government revokes Article 370, which grants special status to Jammu and Kashmir. The news impacts a cancer-ridden Pakistani army general, Qadir, who decides to exact vengeance against India. He signs a contract with Jim, who leads “Outfit X”, a private terrorist organization. Meanwhile, Pathaan, a former RAW agent, and his senior officer, Nandini Grewal, open a unit dubbed the “Joint Operations and Covert Research” (JOCR) unit, to recruit former RAW agents who were forced to retire due to past trauma or injury, but want to serve the country.  
My opinionI like the movie very much. The best action movie that India has ever produced and entertainment is loaded from start to end. Must watch the movie. SRK, Deepika, John, and Salman were outstanding. Ashutosh and Dimple also acted fabulously.


4.D.ii | Blog Writing:

Blog writing:

Write/Prepare a blog in about 150 words on the topic ‘Social media is spoiling the spirit of Education.’ Focus on the adverse/negative effects/influence of social media apps on the students’ minds.

                   Social media is spoiling the spirit of Education.

The internet has become a fundamental need of the current generation. Almost half of the population around the world these days is using the internet regularly. Moreover, the average number of users on social media is increasing with each passing day.

Social media has become an integral part of our daily lives. We use it to communicate with friends and family, share information and stay updated on current events.

The education system is affected by social media. Nowadays students are active on social media. They spend hours on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp, etc.

Too much use of social media is harmful. Students are chatting, sending videos, and wasting their valuable study time in the company of smartphones. Many young students do not know the harmful effects of social media. See the list of negative effects of social media –

• Study time is wasted.

• Social media addiction.

• Anxiety and depression

• Cyber crime

• Rumour spreading

• Unrealistic views

• Lack of self-confidence

Social media apps are the true enemies of students. They kill the spirit of education. Use the internet only for educational purposes. Be a smart learner.


4.D.iii | Prepare an Appeal:

Prepare an Appeal:

Prepare an appeal inviting the students to respond to the “Voters’ Registration Camp” specially organised by the State Election Commission on the eve of the 75th Anniversary of our National Independence.

• Give appropriate slogan

• Poor turn-out/low awareness

• Statement of Appeal

• Arrangement of a special camp

• Guest/Time/Date/Venue

Ans :

Voters’ Registration Camp
  Friends, Maharashtra State Election Commission organizes
  Voters Registration Camp on 14th August 2023, on the occasion of the 75 anniversary of National Independence.

  If you are above 18 –  
• Enroll your names in the voters’ list.
• Visit the camp with an ID card.
• Be a part of democracy.
• Be an ideal citizen.
• Be a voter to select leaders of your choice.
• Voters are the real heroes.  
Chief Guest – Mr. Arun Shah
 Venu – Mahatma Phule College, Conference Hall
Date – 14 August 2023
Time – 9:00 a.m. to 5:00p.m.  

                SECTION -IV : (LITERARY GENRE – NOVEL)

HSC ENGLISH QUESTION PAPER 2023 12TH Arts,Commerce & Science I English Paper & Answer maharashtra hsc
HSC ENGLISH QUESTION PAPER 2023 12TH Arts,Commerce & Science I English Paper & Answer maharashtra hsc

5.A | Complete the activities given below as per the instructions:


Match the following items from column ‘A’ with those from column ‘B’

Column ‘A’Column ‘B’
(a)  Oroonoku              (iii)(i) Joseph Conrad
(b) The Heart of Darkness          (i)(ii) John Bunyan
(c) Frankenstein                      (iv)(iii) Aphra Behn
(d) The Pilgrim’s Progress                 (ii)(iv) Mary Shelly

5.A.ii | Choose the correct alternatives and complete the given statements:

Novels with the elements of horror, bloodshed and mystery are called ______ novels.





The German word ‘bildungsroman’ indicates ______





There are____ essential elements of ‘Novel’ or ‘Novella’.





Struggle between the opposite forces in the  story is called ______




5.B | Activities based on the extract of the novel ‘To Sir, With Love’ (answer in about 50 words)


Give a brief character-sketch of The Narrator.

Ans :

The narrator of the novel is the author, E.R. Braithwaite, himself. The novel is based on his real-life experiences, which particularly focuses on his life in England and his job as a teacher at Greenslade School after the Second World War. Before becoming a teacher, he worked as an engineer and even served in the Royal British Air Force during the war.

Though he is British, he is a victim of racial discrimination and prejudice because he is a black man in post- war England. Because of his race, he has trouble finding employment and reluctantly takes up the post of a teacher at Greenslade School, located in the East End of London. The school is famous for its badly behaved students and from the first day, Braithwaite finds it difficult to manage his class full of unruly children. As someone who is easily angered, Braithwaite struggles to keep calm while dealing with them. Despite not a teacher by profession, Braithwaite is very insightful in his interactions with the students. He recognizes that he lacks the experience of a professional teacher and takes extra effort to improve his teaching skills. He soon learns to be patient and compassionate towards the students and eventually manages to build a strong bond with them based on mutual respect. He oyen tries to learn about their


Activities based on the extract of the novel ‘To Sir, With Love’. (answer in about 50 words)

Describe how Miss Philips justifies the importance of P.T. to Denham.

Ans :

Miss Phillips justified the importance of P.T. with coolly and honestly. She explained that all the subjects including P.T. and games had been considered carefully and fitted in the timetable so that students got maximum benefit from it. Denham replied only for the kids it is useful and others who wanted to play football or any other game, it was useless. But Miss Phillips replied that the whole timetable in the school helped them in the world after they left the school. The answer defeated Denham and he accepted also.

5.C | Activities based on the extract of the novel ‘Around the World in Eighty Days’ (Answer in about 50 words)

Activities based on the extract of the novel ‘Around the World in Eighty Days’.

Elaborate the following quote in the light of Phileas Fogg’s Venture

‘Quitters never win and Winners never quit.’

Ans :

Phileas Fogg’s venture in “Around the World in Eighty Days” shows this idea as Fogg faces various obstacles but finally completes his journey within 80 days. The quote “Quitters never win and Winners never quit” means that those who give up easily will never achieve success, while those who continued through difficulties and challenges will be successful.


Phileas Fogg knocked detective fix down – Give reason/s.

Ans :

Fix, the detective, believes that Fogg is the bank robber who has robbed a great sum from the bank so he arrests Fogg at Liverpool and this delays Fogg a bit that’s why expressing his anger Phileas Fogg knocked Detective Fix down because he thought, Fix had been intentionally delaying and obstructing Fogg’s journey around the world, causing him to miss important connections and almost fail to complete his mission within the allotted time.

5.D | Activities based on the extract of the novel ‘The Sign of Four’ (Answer in about 50 words) :


Activities based on the extract of the novel ‘The Sign of Four’.

Describe the significance of Mary Morstan’s visit to the Lyceum Theatre with Holmes and Dr. Watson.

Ans :

Mary Morstan’s visit to the Lyceum Theatre with Holmes and Dr. Watson is significant because they could discover, who would send her the peals and who had invited her to meet there also they came to know the clues about her father’s disappearance. The visit exposes them to a suspect who could be linked to her father’s case and eventually helps to solve the mystery of his disappearance.


Write in brief the theme of the extract of the novel ‘The Sign of Four’.

Ans :

The novel The sign of Four emphasises a number of themes. But justice is the overarching theme that permeates the entire book. The anonymous letter asking to meet Miss Mary Morstan led to all of the incidents in the extract. The same person who has been sending Miss Morstan pearls for the past six years is the one who sent this letter. Holmes reasoned that since Miss Morstan is referred to in the letter as a “wronged woman,” the act can be seen as reparation for the loss she endured. The entire novel excerpt discusses Miss Morstan’s choices to go to the meeting location and ask

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